Atticco's handcrafted silk line gracefully translates the story of skilled artisans through a process called "shibori." This scarf...
The creation of Atticco's Dabu (mud resist technique) scarf line starts with the preparation of a sticky mixture,...
Atticco’s hand-made Silk scarf collection is created using Natural Dyes and the ancient and fascinating craft of hand...
Serene Red – Pattern Beautifully done by the traditional tie and dye technique. Atticco's handcrafted silk line gracefully...
Mystic blue a pattern Beautifully made by the traditional tie and dye technique. Atticco's handcrafted silk line gracefully...
This beautiful Wrap is created using the ancient art of hand stamping with hand-chiseled woodblocks. A Group of...
This beautiful Wrap is created using the ancient art of hand stamping with hand-chiseled woodblocks. A Group of...
This beautiful Wrap is created using the ancient art of hand stamping with hand-chiseled woodblocks. A Group of...
This Beautiful scarf will make a great Christmas Gift. Atticco’s hand-made scarf collection is created using the ancient...
This Bandana is perfect for adding a unique touch to any look. Handblock-printed on breathable cotton fabric, it is...
Our Bandanas are hand block printed using the traditional technique of Dabu (mud resist) using natural dyes on...
Our Bandanas are hand block printed using the traditional technique of Dabu (mud resist) using natural dyes on...